What I'm Reading: April 20

Three models from Papertoy Monsters & a bunch of pom-poms.

Three models from Papertoy Monsters & a bunch of pom-poms.

Well, today it's less reading a book—although THIRTEEN library books came in for me today, so I know what I'm doing this weekend—and more punching paper shapes OUT of a book.

And then folding and gluing and swearing and waiting and gluing some more.

I've had a copy of Papertoy Monsters kicking around the library for ages, and periodically, I punch out a monster and put it together. I find the process maddening and soothing at the same time, kind of like doing a jigsaw puzzle?

(For whatever reason, most of my patrons seem to get a real kick out of walking into the library and finding me elbows-deep in some ridiculous project. It was pom-poms yesterday. I don't even really know why. All I know is that now I have a bucket of pom-poms and I've been giving them away right and left and kids ADORE them? So I guess I have to keep making them? I love it when you can make someone super happy with something so simple.)