Well, I'm depressed.

From the Houston Chronicle (story via ASIF!):

FRISCO  — School board members have voted to not renew the contract of a veteran art teacher who was reprimanded after one of her fifth-grade students saw a nude sculpture during a school trip to a museum.

It sounds like there MAY HAVE been other issues that contributed to the firing -- biggish ones, like consistent lack of preparation -- but my issue is more with the parents who complained.* 

If you're so afraid that your child is going to see a naked body, why sign a permission slip that allows them to go to an art museum in the first place?  Heck, why even let them walk down the street?  There are Abercromie & Fitch bags that are more titillating than nudes in museums.  And I CERTAINLY hope you don't have a television in the house with, god forbid, cable.

If you're that determined to keep your kid from discovering S-E-X -- which is what I'm guessing is going on here -- then you should probably just chuck 'em into the basement and lock the door.


*Yes, they have the right to complain, but so do I AND it's early AND I'm cranky.

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