
Remember Leslie Pinney?

Turns out that the major contributer to her school board campaign had a bit of an agenda:

The man behind the Web site* is Bruce Tincknell, best known for urging the school board to halt two schools’ productions of “The Laramie Project,” a play dealing with the murder of gay man Matthew Shepard. The former Prospect High parent also put his name — and more than $2,500 from his Mount Prospect research business — behind school board candidate Leslie Pinney in a heated race that arguably changed the face of elections in District 214.


The Internet project, Tincknell said, aims to give residents the District 214 scoop — the site suggests the media is biased, and Tincknell said there hasn’t generally been an effective way of communicating — and a chance to speak out.

They can do so electronically, with an online incident report form, and anonymously. The school’s name is requested; supporting evidence also is encouraged if available. Some reports may be posted online.

You caught that, right?  They can submit grievances -- ranging from a problem with the brand of cheese used in the cafeteria to allegations of sexual abuse -- anonymously.  And we all know where that leads.

*Which, interestingly enough, states that they are pro-diversity (Just look at those happy kids in the pictures!) as long as it's the kind of diversity that they approve of: 

We also believe true diversity is a wonderful thing where it embodies:  cultural, racial and ethnic backgrounds. 

All students should be regarded with respect and never mistreated for who or what they are.  But this does not mean affirming unorthodox lifestyles or risky, unhealthy behaviors.

So you shouldn't beat the gay kids up, but you'd damned better not affirm them, either.  Yeesh.