BOOOO. People just looove describing Toni Morrison's work as "pornography".

From The Advocate:

Greg and Tina Angeletti have complained to high school officials about the book "Song of Solomon," which their daughter was reading for English before she transferred classes. They believe the book to be lewd and unsuitable for high school students, and plan to discuss the issue with the board of education.

"As far as I'm concerned this is pornography," Greg Angeletti said. "How can we raise our kids to be good, quality people, bring them to church every Sunday and then put stuff like that in their hands?"

As far as you're concerned.  Yes.  Obviously, if you think it, it must be so.  And, of course, in making this plea, you're making the assumption that all good parents bring their kids to church every Sunday, but I'm not going to get into THAT.

Tina Angeletti disagrees that Morrison's book is a reflection of a type of culture and ethnicity.

"A lot of people don't live and talk like that no matter what nationality or era of life," she said.

And a lot of people don't live and talk like you, lady.