Kindle Daily Deal: Georgette Heyer

These Old Shades, by Georgette Heyer

These Old Shades, by Georgette Heyer

Georgette Heyer's These Old Shades—the first book in the Alastair trilogy (or quartet, depending on whether or not you count Regency Buck as part of the series proper)—is on sale today for $2.99.

I'm going to have to check to see if I own it or not when I get home, because I'm suddenly DYING to re-read it to see if it stands up or not—in part because the storyline is so ridiculously over-the-top—but mostly because I want to see if I still stand here on the Justin front:

He was so BAD, he totally reveled in his badness and yet...  well, regardless of how you end up feeling about him (and there are some people who dislike this book and Justin very, very much), he's an interesting character.

Will I still love him? Will I suddenly hate him? LET'S FIND OUT.