Gabi, a Girl in Pieces, by Isabel Quintero

Gabi, a Girl in Pieces, by Isabel Quintero

Gabi, a Girl in Pieces, by Isabel Quintero

From my Kirkus column about Gabi, a Girl in Pieces:

It’s the diary of Gabriela “Gabi” Hernandez: Californian high school senior, Mexican-American, aspiring poet and self-described “fat girl.” Her voice is outstanding: honest, original, believable and often hilarious—so much so that I read the majority of the book aloud to my husband, and he DIDN’T EVEN SEEM TO MIND. She’s brave, she’s thoughtful, she’s often cheerfully crass. She’s quick to laugh, self-deprecating; she’s capable and passionate. Everything about her and her journey made my heart pitter-pat with joy and contentment and affection and recognition—because while she is very definitely unique and distinctly always HERSELF, readers will see themselves and hear themselves in her story and in her voice.