Recently, at Kirkus Reviews...

...I've written about The Devil and Winnie Flynn, by Micol Ostow and David Ostow:

It’s smart and funny and atmospheric; all of the various formats—Winnie’s ongoing journal/letter to her best friend, the snippets of screenplay, the documents and wiki pages and illustrations—integrate seamlessly into a larger whole; it very well might inspire some readers to watch reality television with a slightly more critical eye; and it’s just as much about grief and loss as it is about chasing ghosts.

And about my love for The Twelve Dancing Princesses (inspired by the ABSOLUTELY-EXCELLENT-GO-GET-IT-RIGHT-NOW Girls at the Kingfisher Club):

It’s beautifully written, all 12 of the girls are distinctly characterized (a feat that is even more impressive when you consider all of the relationship angles involved), the atmosphere and era details are top-notch, and it’s swoony and feminist and angry-making and empowering all at the same time. It’s about responsibility and loneliness and sacrifice; it’s just as much about sisters and being a sister as it is about individuals and being an individual. It was published for the adult market, but has tremendous crossover appeal, and I really can’t recommend it highly enough.

And about what books I'm looking forward to in October.