"A series of letters means a series of unreliable narrators. You get closer to someone in a letter, and also further away. Letters are not static, they move through space, they have an object in mind, they have formality, and intimacy too."

Year of secret assignmentsWe had a little bit of a Jaclyn Moriarty lovefest on Twitter yesterday (starting here, I think), which led to @rockinlibrarian sharing this link with me which led to me now sharing it with you:

From Inside a Dog:

First, my name. It is Jaclyn Moriarty. It’s a good name. You can remember it by thinking of Sherlock Holmes. I can't tell you how happy I am to have an arch-villain’s name. I wake up each morning and remember my name and a slow smile forms on my face. Then I get up and have breakfast.

She's just AWESOME.