"So, what do we do when something bad happens? When someone calls us sluts? We make slutty, slutty lemonade, that's what."

SalvageFrom Alexandra Duncan's blog:

Now it's easy to laugh about my book ending up on the slut shelf, but I remember how hurtful that word was to me when I was younger. Someone wrote it on the side of my car once in college for some unknown reason, and it left me in tears. Part of why I wrote Salvage was to let girls know that their worth isn't tied up in their sexuality. Having sex doesn't fundamentally devalue you as a person. It doesn't change the fact that you have amazing things to contribute to the world.

Click on through for a Slut Shelf Giveaway, as well as for links to related posts by lots of other authors.

Related: On “Slut Shelves” and Eating Our Own In Fiction.