A Touch of Ruckus, by Ash Van Otterloo

Book cover: A Touch of Ruckus, by Ash Van Otterloo

Book cover: A Touch of Ruckus, by Ash Van Otterloo

I recently wrote about A Touch of Ruckus at Substack:

Tennie has a secret: When she touches an object with her bare hands, she feels—and sometimes sees—other peoples’ memories. So she knows a whole lot more about people than they realize. She knows about her Mama’s sadness, she knows about her parents’ worries, she knows about the underlying troubles between family members. It’s a lot of worry and hurt to carry, and Tennie uses her power to be sure that she never, ever adds any weight to their various loads.

But then, while she’s staying at her grandmother’s house and hanging out with her new friend Fox—who she’s rapidly developing a crush on—she discovers that her power is more complicated than she thought: She can use it to call up ghosts, too.

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