Kindle Deals: September 23

The Girl From Everywhere, by Heidi Heilig

The Girl From Everywhere, by Heidi Heilig

Looking for a good read on this beautiful—or, well, beautiful in Southern Maine, at any rate—Sunday?

Here are a few possibilities:

White Rabbit, by Caleb Roehrig:

If you like stories that deal with class hierarchies in everyone-knows-everyone towns; stories about the seedy underbellies of supposedly idyllic communities; stories that feel cozy in their usage of traditional structure but modern in their sensibilities, White Rabbit is for you. It’s that very last element that really made this book a home run for me—stories that work as Comfort Reads while also feeling fresh and surprising are few and far between. (Link to full review.)

The Girl from Everywhere, by Heidi Heilig:

It’s a fast-paced adventure with plenty of action, but it also deals with empire and colonialism, with class and racism—personally, as experienced by Nix, whose mother was Chinese, and other members of Slate’s very diverse crew, as well as part of the larger picture—and with guilt and grief and addiction.

It raises questions about whether or not fiction can also be truth, and about whether knowledge trumps belief or vice-versa. It deals with privilege and judgment and worldview, and shows that black and white statements don’t always work in a world so full of grays. (Link to full review.)

The Beekeeper's Apprentice: or, On the Segregation of the Queen, by Laurie R. King: In case you aren’t familiar with this one, it’s the first in the Mary Russell series, in which a teen girl becomes Sherlock Holmes’ apprentice. I loved it way back when, but haven’t read it in years, and now I’m tempted to re-read it to see how it stands up?

In case you’re wondering about Fred, he’s still visiting on a daily basis.

And in fact, he’s visiting at this very moment:

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