Today @BookRiot (yes, again)...

...I've got a guest post up about Book Recommendation Engines—this time, instead of looking at them separately, I made them face off against each other in a CAGE MATCH:

In Corner #1, we have Your Next Read, the self-learning engine that relies on user ratings and suggestions to build an image-based map of recommendations.

In Corner #2, we have What Should I Read Next, the text-based contender that uses user-entered booklists to create connections between seemingly disparate titles.

In Corner #3, we have NoveList, the database for fans of Boolean operators that matches books by subject heading, tone, and genre.

And finally, in Corner #4, we have Goodreads, the website best known for being a hotbed of literary snark and GIF-heavy book reviews, but which also provides personalized recommendations based on “20 billion data points.”