Batgirl is getting a makeover.

From the AV Club:

The story is a drastic change from what Barbara has experienced thus far in the New 52, taking a grounded approach that makes the character feel like a real contemporary twenty-something. She needs friends to help her move, drinks too much at parties, hooks up with random guys, gets hangovers, and isn’t financially stable, but unlike most people her age, Barbara will drop whatever she’s doing to fight crime. This preview reveals how the creative team plans to balance Barbara’s domestic drama with her superhero work, and if the entire issue has this kind of energy, DC has a real winner on its hands.

SPEAKING OF Batgirl, thanks to Gwenda's recommendation, I am TOTALLY hooked on it. And thanks to a recent sale at Comixology (SO DANGEROUS, SALES AT COMIXOLOGY), I'm the proud owner of the entire New 52 run.

I haven't read them all, mind you—a crossover with Batman forced me (YES, FORCED ME, I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR MY OWN ACTIONS WHEN IT COMES TO BUYING BOOKS) to get caught up there, so I got all distracted and now I want to branch out into the various Dick Grayson-related titles and Teen Titans and Batwoman AND AND AND—but so far, Gail Simone's run is dark and mega-angsty and meaty and awesome and smart and has made me cry at least once.

It looks like this change-up will be waaaay more boppy and light, and while I have a history of FEARING CHANGE, I'm actually looking forward to seeing where they go with it. SO BRING IT, DC. TAKE MY MONEY.

Click on through to preview the first six pages of the new look.