Let's go over this again.

SpeakA book that frankly discusses sex and issues surrounding sex? Not pornography.

A book that frankly discusses rape and its emotional aftermath? Not pornography.

A book that frankly discusses the fact that teenagers engage in sexual activities? Not pornography, child or otherwise.

A book that frankly discusses the fact that some teenagers are victims of rape, and that some teenagers perpetrate rape? Also not pornography, child or otherwise.

Sex does not equal pornography.

Rape does not equal pornography.

A book that explores an issue does not necessarily glorify or condone that issue.

Acknowledgement that terrible things happen in real life does not equate to tacit approval.

The purpose of pornography is to titillate. To provide sexual gratification to the audience.

Speak? Is not pornography.

I don't understand why this is so difficult to understand.

I understand a reader being uncomfortable with it.

I understand a parent not wanting his or her own child to read it.

I do not understand why a parent would believe that his or her own beliefs would trump the beliefs of another family.

I do not understand why or how people continue to equate not just sex, but RAPE, as pornography.

That's all, I guess. 

I just needed to vent.

Thanks for bearing with me.

I'm going to go and bang my head against a wall now.

Related links: CBLDF, Laurie Halse Anderson, Watchdog Wire.