No Star for You!

No star for youAs I always get a giggle out of Travis Jonker's One Star Review Guess Who posts, I figured I'd swipe the idea and post the occasional one-star Amazon review of a much-lauded YA title.

So, can you guess what book this disappointed reader is reviewing?:

I had to read this book for my english class. It is my least favorite book out of every book I have ever read. We had to answer these questions, which were like, "Are you surprised that a high schooler wrote this?" Well, NO! The writing is immature, an adult with higher education has far superior text. This book is pointless, stupid, and violent, and I see no benefit in reading it. Maybe they want us to not join a gang or you'll end up a smoking 14-year-old wanted for murder in the hospital. Or maybe it's just don't grease your hair. Honestly, who would write a book about greasers and rich kids? Not all kids then belonged to one of those groups! There is no plot. It's a "boy book." if it is anything, and girls would never read it by choice. A girl wrote it because a boy who experienced this wouldn't bother. I suggest you not bother to read this either.

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