April 30, 2013: Honesty Day.

LiarAccording to Wikipedia, people celebrating Honesty Day "may ask any question they choose and the opposing person should give a truthful and straightforward answer". 

So basically, it's the WORST DAY EVER for the folks on Revenge*.

So, obviously, today is a lovely day to revisit Justine Larbalestier's Liar, which was understandably divisive, but which I absolutely adored:

Liar is a fantastic book. Quite often, the more something is lauded, the less I end up liking it, because my expectations end up getting heightened, heightened, heightened to nearly impossible-to-achieve levels. This was one of those rare cases in which, for me, the praise has all been completely justified. I loved it. I thought it was outstanding, outstanding, outstanding. The writing, the plotting, the characterization, the pacing, the format, the newness of it. Lately I've been feeling a little bit burnt on the YA, but this one has rejuvenated me. No exaggerations.


*Which, by the way, has had a pretty weak season. Although now that Jack has gotten all Revenge-y (HOLY COW, HE EVEN GAVE NOLAN A REVENGE HUG!!), my interest is ramping up again. And, regardless of how terrible it gets, I'll keep watching because of Henry Czerny's portrayal of Conrad Grayson. He is SO BITCHILY EVIL, and is HANDS DOWN the best part of the show. (Nolan and his wardrobe were my favorite characters in season one, but he's been mostly sidelined this year, and I feel that his clothes have also been sadly toned down.)

Characters I could do without: Declan, Ashley, Daniel, Aiden, Fauxmanda, Padmathe Ryan Brothers, the entire Initiative except Burn Gorman BUT OH WAIT.