No Star for You!

No star for youAs I always get a giggle out of Travis Jonker's One Star Review Guess Who posts, I figured I'd swipe the idea and post the occasional one-star Amazon review of a much-lauded YA title.

So, can you guess what book this disappointed reader is reviewing?:

[Author]'s book [title] is not a very good book. I would not recommend it to anyone who doesn't like to read female driven novels. This book was not at all geared towards guys and therefore hard for me to relate too.

The story is about a girl who is an outcast from the very start of her freshman year at high school. She is an outcast as result of something that occurred during the summer right before school started. It is a relatively accurate view of teenage life but it was not the kind of book I enjoy. She is a very unhappy girl who speaks very little. This was depressing because [protagonist], the main character, was always sad and alone. If she had sought help for her problem, her life would have been a lot easier.

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