I am not comfortable with this project.

Jeeves-and-WoosterFrom the Guardian:

[Sebastian] Faulks, who is becoming used to slipping into the skin of classic authors, after publishing a bestselling James Bond novel in 2008, was approached by the Wodehouse estate to take on the first ever authorised Wodehouse follow-up. Jeeves and the Wedding Bells, described as "a homage to PG Wodehouse" by the author's estate, will be published on 6 November by Hutchinson, also home to Wodehouse's later novels.

I'm perfectly fine with unauthorized fan fiction (like this and this), but for some reason the idea of an AUTHORIZED Wodehouse sequel is making me twitch.

Can you explain my brain to me? Please?

(Relatedly? My ringtone is currently the Jeeves and Wooster theme song.)