"Freshee's Frogurt" -- Daniel H. Wilson from Diverse Energies, edited by Tobias S. Buckell & Joe Monti

Diverse EnergiesFrom Tobias Buckell's Preface:

I write adventures about the future and of future worlds, and they're populated by a diverse set of characters. Why? It's the future face of the world. It's us. All of us. And we all deserve to be seen in the future, having adventures, setting foot on those strange new worlds.

"Freshee's Frogurt" is an interview in which a young man named Jeff Thompson is questioned by Lonnie Wayne Blanton of the Oklahoma police force about the robot attack he'd just barely managed to survive.

I loved this story LIKE WHOA. It was fast-paced and funny, with some seriously wonderful descriptions of some seriously horrific violence: for instance, the bit about Felipe's teeth "pop[ping] out of his mouth like fucking popcorn" made me both cringe and feel appreciative of the imagery. Even just typing it out there made me squick all over again, even as I was thinking about how great it was.

Felipe, by the way, is described as the spitting image of Danny Trejo, which made him (obviously) that much more badass.


After reading it, I flipped to the back to read Daniel H. Wilson's bio, because A) his name sounded familiar and B) I was suddenly determined to read EVERYTHING HE'S EVER WRITTEN. And I hit the jackpot! Not only is he the author of the Alex Award-winning Robopocalyse, but "Freshee's Frogurt" is an excerpt from it! So I'll totally be reading that ASAP. It's always so satisfying to find an author that you click with so quickly. Woo!




Author page.




Book source: Review copy from the publisher.