Evening links.

Cleaning out my tabs:

  • Literary Tiger Beat: The Dreamiest Male Teen Characters. Um, HELLO, James from Ballad. And also Eugenides.
  • Heavy Medal is back.
  • Pinterest board: Diverse dystopias.
  • Who will create the new normal? "The more diversity there is on book covers, the more normalized those images become, and the more people will see beyond skin color on book covers into the stories themselves. There is always a time in history when someone goes first. Someone realizes that white does not equal “normal.”"
  • Justine Larbalestier on racism and writing: "What follows is a discussion of how I have dealt with having my last solo novel, Liar, criticised for racism and transphobia. If you have not read Liarthere are spoilers, though I have kept them to a minimum."
  • Judy Blume on this summer and breast cancer: "I have to thank Dr. S, the radiologist who's been doing my mammograms for 20 years. If she hadn't decided I should have a sonogram because of dense breast tissue we still wouldn't know."
Books -- YALeila RoyComment