Andrew (Andy) Lane.

AndrewLaneEntry at the isfdb.

Entry at the imdb.

Young Sherlock website.

Titles I've written about:

Death Cloud (2011):

Andrew Lane's version of Sherlock Holmes is so focused on the art of deduction that he hasn't really thought about the importance of knowledge, and I liked that. It was a cool facet of the character to play with, and so his Sherlock feels familiar, but still original: He isn't just a shorter version of his adult self.

Rebel Fire (2012):

Fans of Death Cloud will be perfectly happy with Rebel Fire. It's got the same strengths—lots of genuinely thrilling action sequences (and, as in the first book, Lane shows the collateral damage of said action); a fun, twisty mystery with an especially creepy villain; and lots of a-ha! moments for Holmes fans (like seeing him first pick up a violin).