Lauren Myracle.

Lauren myracle

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Titles I've written about:

Shine (2011):

Biggest surprise for me? That more people aren't describing Shine as a crime/mystery novel. Because, yes, it's a nuanced portrait of a small Southern town—the beautiful, the downright ugly, and the in-between—filled with three-dimensional characters, and it's a story about friendship, family, fear, and forgiveness**, but the driving force behind all of the action is a question: What Really Happened at the Come 'n' Go That Night?

Bliss (2008):

Very soon, Bliss will be going to school for the first time. She will be attending Crestview Academy, the most prestigious, the most elite private school in the South, and she will be a freshman. It sounds like the perfect set-up for a fish-out-of-water-coming-of-age historical fiction novel, right? Yeah, well, I'm not done: Bliss is a ghost story. A creepy, tense, thrilling, hair-raising, goosebump-inducing, yicky and sometimes downright twisted ghost story.

Prom Nights from Hell (2007):

I'm sure that plenty of teen fans of paranormal romance will enjoy the book, regardless of my crankypants reaction.

First Kiss, Then Tell (2007):

While it's uneven (as many collections are), the high points are high.

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