Deb Caletti.

Her website.Deb_caletti

Titles I've written about (some of the older posts are mega-brief):

Honey, Baby, Sweetheart (2004):

If you like YA girl books, then holy crap, read this book. I swear that I'm not only saying this because the main character's mom is a librarian and the family dog is a Jack Russell. I swear! It was a great book. I refused to take a Buffy break until I had finished it—Josh just had to wait.

Wild Roses (2005):

If you haven't read her, she's a lot like Joan Bauer but maybe a bit harsher. Still comfort food, but with more tang? She also reminds me of Sarah Dessen. Good stuff.

The Secret Life of Prince Charming (2009):

In general, I recommend that fans of Sarah Dessen and Elizabeth Scott and Joan Bauer try Deb Caletti. While I loved it, it isn't going to be for everyone. The action doesn't really kick in until a third of the way through the book, there are a LOT of characters to keep straight, and monologues about past relationships are interspersed throughout the narrative. (Kind of like the interviews in When Harry Met Sally.)

Stay (2011):

At about the hundred page mark, I, at any rate, was starting to want to shake Clara while yelling, "ENOUGH WITH THE FORESHADOWING. JUST SPIT IT OUT ALREADY!!" But then I got over myself and ended up really enjoying it.