Recent A/V.

I just watched Barbarella for the first time, and:

  1. Jane Fonda had some incredible hair, was way adorable and changed her clothes LITERALLY every five minutes, with each costume topping the last in terms of sheer crazy. 
  2. I need to buy the amazing, amazing soundtrack.
  3. She got attacked by creepy dolls with fangs and a bunch of birds -- and both times, the baddies seemed to be more interested in shredding her clothing than actually injuring her.  Heh.
  4. Josh was not exaggerating when he summarized it as "Barbarella meets guy, they Do It.  Repeat."  Although there was a lot of "WHAT?  WHAT?" coming from my general vicinity, I can't help but feel some bizarro affection for it.

And there was The House of the Devil, which won't be for everyone, as it's a Slow 70-Minute Build to 20 Minutes of Holy Bejeebers Crazy.  But the Slow Build/Suspense movies are the ones that get me, and despite the fact that I spent three-quarters of the movie watching through my fingers and asking Josh to turn it off (yet not, you notice, leaving the room), I loved it.  It was a great recreation of 70s/80s horror, the acting was strong, the script was good, the dialogue was realistic (I always feel like I have to mention that, because there's so much HELLO, WE'RE ZANY COLLEGE KIDS AND BY THE WAY HERE'S SOME EXPOSITION in this genre), and the heroine, for the most part, played the cards she was dealt really, really well -- apart from taking the job in the first place, of course. 

We also just watched Triangle, which was pretty decent, if a bit OOOO, LOOK, I'M MINDBENDING.  The plotting was the strongest thing about the movie -- much, much stronger than the dialogue, some of which was pretty laughable.  I'd suggest watching it without watching the trailer, which gives away A LOT.  Also, the poster makes it look like Ye Olde Cruise Ship Slasher Movie, but it isn't like that at all.

A/VLeila RoyComment