Would you?

  • So, people have been reading books on their cell phones for years.  Are you one of them?  Personally, I'd think it would be horribly headache-inducing, and I don't find it all that difficult to just chuck a book or two into my bag when I leave the house.  But, as more and more publishers are getting into it, it stands to reason that there must be some demand for the service.  Right? 
  • And there's a new Gone With the Wind prequel due out.  I, being the huge loser that I am, still haven't read the original.  What do you think about all these prequels and spin-offs -- like the Anne Shirley book* or the many, many Austen books -- do you automatically refuse to read 'em on principle or do you give 'em a chance?  (And that's not even getting into zombie authors.)

*Oh, my.  There's a movie in the works.  I'll let you click through to see who's starring.

BooksLeila RoyComment