Golden Compass update.

No surprise here:

Referring to the Magisterium - the all-powerful religious body that wields total political power in the world of Lyra, the heroine - he said: "In the books the Magisterium is a version of the Catholic church gone wildly astray from its roots. If that's what you want in the film, you'll be disappointed. We have expanded the range of meanings that the Magisterium represents."

The article goes on to say that there will be "no specific marketing to neutralise any potential religious backlash in the US." 

Too bad.  I'd love to see that ad campaign.  How would they even go about it?  "The Golden Compass, new and improved!  Now without that pesky anti-church vibe!"

So, for those of you who've read the trilogy:  Think they'll omit anything from The Amber Spyglass