T-Shirt of the Week.

Crisis averted.

Giving_treeJust before I posted this, I realized that I had printed the wrong year on my shirt.  So, with a Sharpie and the Crapulous Magic of Microsoft Paint, I fixed it.

There are two major camps when it comes to The Giving Tree.  There are those who believe that it is a sweet and charming story of motherhood, devotion and unconditional love.  And there are those of us who read the story, get to the last page, read the words "And the tree was happy", look at the illustration of the Unhappy Frowning Man sitting on the Poor Dead Stump, and say:

"Bite me, Shel.  The TREE is no longer a TREE.  It is a STUMP."

Now I'll just sit back and wait to be bawled out.

I'm a little scared.