Cybils winners.

Just in case you missed it, the winners of the first annual Cybils awards were announced this Wednesday.

As a member of the YA judging panel, I'm obviously very happy about Nick and Norah's win.  It was an extremely strong shortlist and not a particularly easy decision. 

I didn't know about the other winners ahead of time, so I have to admit that I squealed when I saw what book won the award for Middle Grade Fiction:  A Drowned Maiden's Hair!  Hooray!  It was one of my favorite, favorite books last year.

See the other winners here, and while you're at it, take a look at the shortlists as well.  It was a whole lot of fun --I'm so glad I participated.  If you love children's/young adult books and do the book blog thing, I would definitely suggest a look into volunteering for the next round.