GalleyCat has an excellent suggestion re: the Missouri Bechdel/Thompson challenge.

From GalleyCat:

Another argument against shelving Bechdel and Thompson: "If it shouldn't be on a billboard on I-70, it shouldn't be in a public library." In response to that bit of rhetorical brilliance, I strongly encourage Houghton Mifflin, the publisher of Fun Home, to spring for a billboard on I-70, preferably near the Marshall Junction at Highway 65. If they wanted to be really nice, they could cut Top Shelf Comics a deal on some of the marquee space so Blankets could get some exposure as well...

Depending on your mood, you'll find the following quotes (from a recent Marshall-Democrat News article) hilarious or depressing:

"We may as well purchase the porn shop down at the junction and move it to Eastwood. Some day this library will be drawing the same clientele."

"I don't want seedy people coming into the library and moving into our community."