Crazies everywhere.

Remember that crazy lady at Waldenbooks?

Yeah.  Well now an AFA attorney is recommending that more bossy people attempt to enforce their personal morality on the rest of us:

"I would encourage [them] to go to their local mall and look at what's being displayed and perhaps, if it's not on the bargain table, go look at the Relationships section," Vaughn says. "And if there's offensive stuff that might be legal in an adult bookstore but doesn't belong in your mall," he urges, "complain to the manager."

Because, you know...  Their definition of "offensive" is obviously the correct definition.  Because they are RIGHT and everyone who disagrees is WRONG.  And not just WRONG, but probably Satan-worshipping-pedophiles to boot.

Gah.  So be ready, bookstore employees.  Your Daily Crazy Count is about to get higher.