Visit to Cuba banned in FL school.

Looks like this one got rather ugly.

From the Ledger:

Appeals to a previous school board ruling keeping the book in the school's library were amended to ban the book in all 33 schools in the district. Superintendent Rudy Crew had suggested parental consent be required for borrowing the book, or that a sticker on the cover advise parents of the book's weaknesses.

"We are rejecting the professional recommendation of our staff based on political imperatives that have been pressed upon members of this board," said board member Evelyn Greer, who opposed the ban.

Board member Robert Ingram said he only supported the ban out of fear for his family's safety and to invite a lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union.

"There's a passion of hate," Ingram said. "I can't vote my conscience without feeling threatened - that should never happen in this community any more."