The Oxford Murders -- Guillermo Martinez

I was hooked from the first paragraph:

Now that the years have passed and everything's been forgotten, and now that I've received a terse e-mail from Scotland with the sad news of Seldom's death, I feel I can break my silence (which he never asked for anyway) and tell the truth about events that reached the British papers in the summer of '93 with macabre and sensationalist headlines, but to which Seldom and I always referred - perhaps due to the mathematical connotation - simply as the series, or the Oxford series.  Indeed, the deaths all occurred in Oxfordshire, at the beginning of my stay in England, and I had the dubious privilege of seeing the first at close range.

It's rad.  I loved it.

That's my entire review.

(Oh.  Also, I was very proud because I figured out the next symbol in the series on the front cover.  Yes, it was kind of easy, but it made me feel smart.  So be quiet and let me bask in my braininess, thank you very much.)