Infrequent comics round-up.

I hadn't made it to the comics store for three weeks, so I was behind.

Astro City is back!  The plan is this:  four 4-issue arcs, with three special issues spacing out the arcs.  We're finally going to find out the history of the Silver Agent.  FAB!  If you don't read this, do yourself a favor and pick it up--even if you don't usually read comics (blah blah blah)--give the first trade a try.  You won't be disappointed.  I swear.

As much as I love Catwoman, do you think that maybe it would be possible to make containers that house scary poison gas (or something--we'll find out next month what's actually in it) a little harder to break?  If it was something that dangerous, surely it would be housed in something a little more reliable?

I'm starting to like The Pulse more, even though I still miss Alias.  Mostly because they changed the artwork--Jessica Jones no longer looks like a bimbo and more like Jessica Jones.  Phew.

There's loads more, but I'm hungry.  Sorry.

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