I Capture the Castle - Dodie Smith

I am a Bad Person.

Most people know that I am not modest about my book knowledge (well, specifically my young adult book knowledge), which makes the following confession all the more difficult.

I have never read I Capture the Castle, by Dodie Smith.

I started it this morning, and I love it so much that I'm mad that I've never read it before. (Horrors! I could be enjoying my thirteenth or fourteenth reading of the book, rather than constantly kicking myself for ignoring it for so long!)

Although I am only three pages in (and I NEVER do this--except at the moment, obviously), I'm going to tell you right now: this book rules. RULES. If you at all like the Anne of Green Gables series, you will like this book. As I continue to read it, I'm sure that I'll come up with more, but come on, give me a break, I'm only three pages in. And I can't wait to read the rest of it. Thankfully, I have the day off tomorrow.

As I read books, I usually mark the pages (with a torn up piece of paper--I do NOT write in books) that I think might be quote-worthy. All three pages that I've read are already marked. Including the first sentence:

I write this sitting in the kitchen sink.

How could that beginning fail to grab? I LOVE this book. More on it when I've finished.