Two book projects that have me FROTHING with excitement.

Still in the weeds, Summer-Reading-wise, so I'm just popping in to mention these two upcoming books: Alison Goodman's The Dark Days Club, and Tremontaine, by Malinda Lo, Alaya Dawn Johnson, and others.

From EW:

Alison Goodman, author of Eon and Eona, is back with a new trilogy, and EW has your first look at the cover and an excerpt for The Dark Days Club. Here’s the book’s official description:

It’s London, 1812, when, on the eve of eighteen-year-old Lady Helen Wrexhall’s presentation to the queen, one of her family’s housemaids disappears. Drawn into the shadows of London, she meets Lord Carlston, one of the few who can stop the perpetrators: a cabal of demons infiltrating every level of society. Dare she ask for his help, when his reputation is almost as black as his lingering eyes? And will her intelligence and headstrong curiosity wind up leading them into a death trap?

From Malinda Lo's blog:

Tremontaine is a collaboratively written prequel to Ellen Kushner’s classic Swordspoint. Yesterday night on tumblr I shared some details about the characters in the prequel. Since I posted it on tumblr I wanted to share it here for those of you who aren’t on tumblr. Consider this a sneak peek.