School Reading: Love it or hate it?

From The Guardian:

Despite the fact that I studied English Literature at university and went on to undertake a variety of bookish professional pursuits, my central recollection of English Lit at school is of how much I disliked most of the books that I read for my classes. It seems to be quite a universal feeling: "Oh, I read that at school" is a sentence often accompanied by a disdainful curl of the lip, even by passionate book-lovers.

The only book I developed a real hatred for in high school was The Grapes of Wrath.  (It was the turtle chapters.  I HATED the turtle chapters.)  But then again, I did feel like I was one of the few sophomores who didn't hate -- who loved, even -- The Scarlet Letter.  Even now, almost every time that one comes up in conversation, I hear, "Oh, God, THAT?  Blecch!" 

You?  Books you hated?  Loved?  Books you went back to later and loved?  (For me it was The Odyssey.  First time through, I wanted to kill someone.  Then I re-read it a few years after it was assigned and I adored it.)

And why?  Boring teachers over-analyzing Pearl's white dress and impish nature?  An inability on the part of students to identify with what they're reading?  Too young?  Too lazy?  A lack of passion?  What's the deal, if there is one?

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