The Silent Room -- Walter Sorrells

The Silent Room is the story of Oz, whose stepfather frames him for drug possession and gets him send away to the Briarwood School, which is located on an island in the middle of a swamp in Florida.  Shortly after arriving there, he realizes that the school is run by a sadistic group of adults.  Etc., etc., etc.

Silent RoomDude.  Spoilers follow.

1.  I don't buy it.  Before sending him to Briarwood, his mother is on the ball enough to "get him help" (in the form of a sadistic --yes, another one -- psychologist), but she doesn't notice that all of his problems began at exactly the same time her New Man moved in?  It would have made sense if there was some back story about Oz being 'troubled' before the arrival of his new stepfather, but it was just the opposite.  He was a good kid before Don Guidry's arrival.

2.  If you're going to put a kid in a windowless, bathroomless, trashcanless room for a week, only letting him out ONCE (for a shower), it might be a good idea to take the whole 'BATHROOMLESS' aspect into account.  Not mentioning it is not the right way of going about it.

3.  If a kid gets screwed (figuratively) by pretty much everyone he meets, do you REALLY think he's going to confide ALL OF HIS secrets to the Evil Headmistress's stepdaughter?  I mean ALL of them, down to and including the NAME of the FBI agent looking into the school??  NO.  I don't care how hot she is -- he'd play his cards a bit closer to the chest.  That, or he's just really, REALLY stupid.

4.  The kid has a 6 million dollar trust fund that A) he doesn't know about and B) his mother SIGNS OVER to the Briarwood School.  I don't think so.

Fans of child abuse books, psychological thrillers, action adventure novels might like this.  If they don't worry too much about logic, that is.